The Trials of Wearing Bandanas

In spite of the fact that bandanas are rarely seen outside of counterculture, they maintain a nearly constant presence in my daily outfits. I wear them for their practicality — they make rain soaked hair look like a conscious choice — and for their ability to turn any outfit into something remarkable. Perhaps I flatter myself with remarkable. Bandanas, rather, turn any outfit into something worth remarking upon. Such is the blessing and curse of bandanas.

As some of you may be unfamiliar with various bandana styling, I’ve broken down the different ways I wear them.


This is the style I wear for various athletic pursuits. It has the practicality of an ordinary headband, but with added cool. It makes me feel like I was vandalizing a back alley before I showed up to yoga class!


See what I mean? It’s for all your athletic pursuits.

The next style is the one I wear most frequently. It’s a simple style, the kind of look modern day Rosie the Riveter would wear to class.


I must caution you against the green bandana. One of my neighbours saw me wear it once and thought I was a major stoner.


Unfortunately for him, not quite.

The last look is certainly the riskiest. I wore it to class one day because it covered up my unwashed hair effectively. All day I just knew the people around me were itching to make a comment or ask a question, but no one did. That is, until Patrick in my American Literature class walked by me and said, “There ain’t no Bloods ’round here!” You see, I was wearing my bandana Tupac style.


ImageI can’t pull it off quite like Tupac does. In fact, the day I wore it, I just ended up looking all kinds of crazy. But such is the way it goes with bandanas and style in general. Unfortunately, I talked to a good looking guy that night who already thought I was more than a little crazy, and while the bandana was on, even the charm and wit I displayed in our conversation could do little to convince him otherwise. It happens.

Until next time, be bold and wear bandanas.

Song of the Day: Front Row by Metric

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